As we approach the end of the year, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the strides made by Kids In Crisis, particularly in Westport. This year has been pivotal, marked by amazing achievements and inspiring stories of change for the youth in our community. 

TeenTalk: Offering Hope & Care at Staples High School 

The TeenTalk program at Staples High School has been a standout success, with 107 high school students actively participating. This level of engagement speaks volumes about the program’s effectiveness and highlights an emerging need for its expansion into middle schools. TeenTalk has been instrumental in fostering open dialogues about mental health, proving that early intervention and support can make a world of difference in young lives. 

Counselors Making a Difference 

Our dedicated counselors have been at the forefront of this change, conducting weekly group counseling sessions and presenting on mental health topics in health classes. This proactive approach towards mental health education has been a critical factor in our successful outreach this year. 

Lighthouse Program: A Vision for 2024 

Looking ahead, the Lighthouse program in Westport is set to take even better. With goals to introduce new initiatives and a solid commitment to supporting LGBTQ+ youth and their allies, the program promotes inclusivity and understanding within our community. 

Beyond Westport: A Wider Impact 

Our efforts extend beyond Westport. The SafeHaven emergency shelter in Fairfield County offers a sanctuary for distressed children, the only service of its kind in the area. Additionally, our 24-hour Crisis HelpLine has been a lifeline to 670 individuals this year, further demonstrating the breadth of our impact. 

 Annual Report: Celebrating Our Journey Together 

Check out our latest Annual Report for an overview of the reach of our programs in Fairfield County. It’s not just a report; it’s a celebration of our achievements together and a roadmap for the journey ahead. 

Your Role: A Critical Piece of the Puzzle 

Your support as donors and corporate sponsors has been invaluable. It allows us to dream bigger and reach further, ensuring that every child and teen in crisis knows they are not alone. When you support Kids In Crisis, you change lives in Westport and throughout Fairfield County. 

We are immensely grateful for your contribution and the unique piece of the puzzle you bring to our mission. 


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