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Teen Holiday Mental Health Tips

Teen Holiday Mental Health Tips

Discover the top Teen Holiday Mental Health Tips from TeenTalk counselors to help teens navigate the stress and challenges of the holiday season with confidence and care

You made a difference at the Lighthouse Tea Dance!

Wow! What an incredible afternoon we had at the Lighthouse Tea Dance! Your presence and generosity filled Foundation House with joy, laughter, and a powerful sense of community. Because of you, we raised over $50,000 to support and expand our Lighthouse program –...

Meet Kirsten Mende, a Kids In Crisis Volunteer Supporting Vulnerable Children

Meet Kirsten Mende,a Kids In Crisis volunteer supporting vulnerable children who is passionate about giving a voice to those in need. From her work in children’s welfare to founding an animal rescue, she shares her journey of helping vulnerable populations and her commitment to Kids In Crisis’ mental health programs.


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